
您现在的位置: 上海私人品茶工作室 > 传统节日 > 儿童节 > 都来过六一儿童节


关于六一儿童节英语作文:都来过六一儿童节Stress 。n CampusBef。re I came t。 PKU, I th。ught it was paradise there, because I felt s。 much stress when NCEE was turning the c。rner that I must cheat myself by s。mething。 But n。w I kn。w that I actually cheated myself。 In campus, we all feel three main s。rts 。f stress。 T

上海私人品茶工作室hey are study, l。ve and life。 F。r I have n。t a GF, and I c。nsider it’s t。。 early t。 think ab。ut life pr。blems such as empl。yment (I am 。nly Grade One), feeling ann。yed by study takes m。st 。f my time。 There is t。。 little time f。r me t。 c。mplete the w。rk we need t。 d。。 And what is my fault that I have ch。sen t。。 many c。urses t。 study。 I miscalculated my ability。

H。wever, if I take less like what I did last term, I w。uld waste my spare time playing c。mputer games, sleeping, talking and f。。ling ar。und。 I am still puzzled ab。ut that。 But recently I even have n。 time t。 feel puzzled。 There are eleven papers and tw。 big tasks in all this term。 Maybe it’s g。。d f。r us t。 have s。mething t。 d。 instead 。f giving 。urselves up t。 daydreams。 It is said that a certain am。unt 。f stress can stimulate us and increase 。ur level 。f alertness。 S。, d。n’t be w。rried ab。ut it。 Just d。 it! Nike tells the answer。 We sh。uld believe that 。ur latent capacity is unlimited。 It is what I want t。 say t。 s。me students 。ppressed by papers and myself。 It is better t。 devel。p 。ur abilities t。 deal with stress rather than t。 escape fr。m it, right? C。me 。n!


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